Dharma Combat ceremony – in the presence of Yusho Sasaki Roshi + Sesshin January 2017

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The Dharma Combat ceremony (Shusso Hosen Shiki) is a traditional Soto Zen Buddhism ritual, concerning senior monks and nuns who have to prove their commitment. The ceremony takes place in front of the practitioners’ assembly and is led by the abbot of the monastery, Zen Master Olivier Reigen Wang-Genh. A high-ranking monk bearing the title of Sei-Kyoshi vouches for the ceremony by his or her presence. We will therefore have the honour to welcome nun Yusho Sasaki Roshi, in charge of the Japanese Soto Zen School in Europe.

The Shusso Hossen-Zeremonie



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Those who want to attend the traditional ceremony on Sunday morning are welcome. It will take place in the chapel open to the public, and seats will be at your disposal. For organisation purposes, please register at the temple’s office: info@mediation-zen.org and arrive at 9.30 a.m.


You can also stay for lunch (buffet: 15 euros). Please mention it when you register.


Click here to watch the TV programme "Sagesses bouddhistes" dedicated to this ceremony



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Master Yusho Sasaki took her duties as Sokan (representative of the Japanese Soto Zen School) in January 2016, at the European Bureau of Soto Zen Buddhism in Paris. She has practised for a long time at the temple for nuns Aichi Senmon Nisôdô in Nagoya and she has lived in England for many years.

We are extremely honoured to welcome her for this event.



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Master Olivier Reigen Wang-Genh is the Head of the monastery he founded with his disciples in 1999. He is also the President of the French Buddhist Association and works for the spreading of Buddhist values in civil society and the institutions of the Republic. Master Wang-Genh also teaches to numerous disciples, some of whom have been following him for almost 30 years.


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On Sunday, January 22nd, nun Evelyne Seikyo Rauscher will lead the Dharma Combat after having been the Shusso (front seat nun) for 3 months at the Ryumonji monastery.

She has started to practise Zen in 1996. Evelyne Seikyo is also the private secretary to Master Wang-Genh whom she has helped with great dedication for many years.

The ceremony of the Dharma combat will take place on Sunday, January 22nd, at 10:00 a.m. You are all welcome!



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You can find all the information you need in English about the Dharma combat, Shusso Hossen Shiki, here: http://global.sotozen-net.or.jp/eng/library/glossary/individual.html?key=head_seat


Sesshin 20. - 22. Januar 2017


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If you wish to arrive at the monastery a few days earlier, there will be a sesshin – Zen meditation retreat – starting on Thursday evening at around 7 p.m. and ending on Sunday at 3 p.m.

It will be led by Master Olivier Reigen Wang-Genh.
Beginners are welcome to this sesshin and they will be offered a special teaching.


Here is more information on the sesshin: http://meditation-zen.org/fr/activites-sesshin-retraite-meditation

Price: 114 € / 93 € (Student, Arbeitslosen) + 15 € membership for the ATZW association.


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